Understand and calculate Bloch functions¶
In previous tutorials, we solved the Schrödinger equation for single or multiple potential wells. In solid crystalline materials, electrons move through a nearly infinite repetition of potential wells, which arise from atoms arranged in a crystal lattice. In such periodic potentials, the wave function takes the form of a Bloch function. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to calculate Bloch functions and explore some of their key properties.
A bit of theory¶
In periodic potentials, the wave function also becomes periodic and is modulated by plane wave, forming what is known as a Bloch function. Suppose the potential takes the following form:
\begin{equation} V(x) = V(x + n \cdot L) \quad \textrm{with} \quad L > 0 \quad \textrm{and} \quad n = ... -1, 0, 1, ... \end{equation}
This potential is periodic with period $ L $. According to Bloch's theorem, the corresponding Bloch function takes the form:
\begin{equation} \Psi(r) = e^{ik \cdot x} u(x) \end{equation}
Here, u(x)
is a function with the same periodicity as the crystal lattice, satisfying $ u(x) = u(x + n\cdot L) $, where $ n $ is an integer and $ L $ is the lattice period. The wave vector $ k $ describes how the wave propagates through the crystal and is inversely proportional to the wavelength, given by $ \lambda = \frac{2 \pi}{|k|} $.
In essence, the wave function $\Psi$ is a plane wave ($ e^{ik \cdot x} $) which is modulated by a periodic function $ u(x) $.
In the following sections, we will use SigSpace to solve the Schrödinger equation for periodic potentials. Since the time-independent Schrödinger equation, $ {\cal H} \Psi = E \Psi $, contains no imaginary terms, its solution $ \Psi $ is typically real-valued. However, as we impose a bloch type wave with a complex exponential term $ e^{ik \cdot x} $, also $ u(x) $ and the overall solution $ \Psi $ become complex-valued.
First example¶
Let's calculate the wave function for a periodic quantum well. The periodicity is set to $ L = 3 $, with the well width of 0.2 centered in the periodic cell:
import sigspace as sg
import numpy as np
def potential(x):
return -np.array((x >= 1.4) & (x <= 1.6), dtype=float)
H = sg.Hamiltonian(sdims=1) + potential
solver = sg.Solver(H)
solver.grid(0, 3, 1000)
solver.print_info = True
sol = solver.run()